Monday, January 25, 2021

Supreme Court History & Workings

I feel as though I could spend the rest of my life learning all about the Supreme Court! Before viewing these videos I thought I knew a good amount of information about it but I was proven wrong in 20 short minutes! I feel as though our judiciary system in America has many layers and the Supreme Court needs to be unraveled. 

I want to point out that the Supreme Court is the highest level court in the United States. There are also a lot of other nations that base their judiciary systems on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is made up of 9 justices who are carefully selected and approved by the President and Senate. There are thousands of cases that are brought up to the Supreme Court every year but only about 100 cases are accepted and brought to trial. This shows how serious their position is because the justices get to decide what cases are most important. With this, I think it is important to note that they have the power to dismiss or "silence" cases too.  

I have gained a tremendous amount of respect for the justices because of the work they do. Out of the hundreds of million of Americans that live in the United States only 9 get the title of "justice". I thought it was very interesting how in the video they explained that "being appointed to the supreme court is a kin to being struck by lightning". The current chief justices are John G. Roberts (chief), Clarence thomas, Stephen G. Breyer, Samuel A. Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Neil M. Gorsuch, Brett M. Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. 

Find out More Info Below:

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

My Top 5 News Sources!

As a student in the school of communications it is imperative that I follow news sources that depict the truth. I often times find myself learning news through (sometimes unreliable) sources when scrolling through social media but often check with better news sources! In this post I will show you my top 5 most used news sources. 


I have been using Snapchat for over 5 years to stay connected with friends. Snapchat has updated many features throughout the years which includes a "Spotlight" page with various news outlets. I often find myself scrolling through The Daily Mail, Buzzfeed, & Cosmopolitan. These are more entertainment based news sources but I enjoy these the most!


CNN is a news source that I have watched a lot of videos on. This is where I get a majority of news from regarding whats going on in the world. I like how fast CNN provides coverage on events because other platforms & news channels are a little delayed. 


Growing up my Dad often listened to NPR during long car rides. In high school I had a few teachers often reference NPR for the latest news concerning politics too. Even though I don't keep up with NPR all the time someone in my life always is. 


TikTok has been consuming a lot of my time recently. The videos displayed on my "for you" page have no specific category and range from fashion, travel, food, & news! During the election I would see a lot of videos about the candidates which was interesting because there were many diverse views on so many diffrent topics. I can't say it is my most reliable source, but I enjoy it the most!


Twitter is a platform that I have been using on & off for the past few years. I feel that it is more opinion based & I enjoy seeing peoples views on different topics. I follow a lot of my friends & sports accounts so I don't see a lot of news but I often explore the trending page to keep up.