Privacy is an extremely important aspect of our lives. With the rise of social media our privacy is constantly questioned because of the platforms that use our personal information. When agreeing to the lengthy terms and conditions we sign all of our information over to them. Depending on the platform information such as our name, phone number, email address, credit card numbers, and face identification is given to the owners. This can be a dangerous choice because we do not know what these companies do with our information or if it can also be used against us.
After watching Juan Enriquez’s TED Talk, I learned a lot of great information about our life online. He explained that “electronic tattoos shout like real tattoos”. In today’s world, you cannot hide, especially with facial recognition. Nowadays, our technology is so advanced that platforms such as Facebook and Google can recognize a fee and automatically tag a name to the face. This can lead to the exposure of criminal records, credit scores, and other extremely personal information.
In addition, Face.Com has millions of faces within its software. There is also an immense amount of face detection services in public and within other technology platforms. The use of this technology truly violates a person’s privacy and more people should be aware of their privacy rights. I think younger generations should be informed of their privacy rights in educational settings because it impacts them in so many ways. I believe that our generation will guide younger kids into making more sensitive choices regarding social media and privacy.
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